Social Learning Campuses

Multiple New Jersey campus locations offer the best match for your student!

And now in Philadelphia too!

Serving students ages 5 to 21 years old with autism spectrum disorders, social and learning disabilities, specific learning disabilities, or emotional and/or social difficulties.

Across all of our social learning campus locations, we provide a consistent educational experience in order to ensure seamless services for our students. We offer ten-month programs featuring low student-to-staff ratios, supervision by highly-trained BCBAs on staff, a comprehensive curriculum focusing on academic achievement and independence, intensive transition support, related services, support for families with regular workshops and parent training sessions, and an extended school year program in the summer.

All Social Learning Campuses

For students with ADHD, anxiety disorders, Autism spectrum disorders, emotional disabilities, Social Communication Disorder, or specific learning disabilities.

CampusCountyAgesTypeMailing AddressPhoneFaxEmail
Cherry HillCamden5-21Stand-alone2127 Church Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08002(856) 482-5252(856) 779-7721Send email
MedfordBurlington5-12School-within-a-school36 Chairville Road, Medford, NJ 08055(609) 678-4020(609) 654-4524Send email
MedfordBurlington12-14School-within-a-school55 Mill St. Medford, NJ 08055(609) 678-4020(609) 654-4524Send email
Standard 9Varies18-21Transition2127 Church Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08002(856) 482-5252(856) 779-7721Send email
Project SEARCHCamden18-21Transition 2127 Church Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08002(856) 482-5252(856) 779-7721
Erlton/CLiKS Camden18-21Transition 800 Pennsylvania Ave, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002(856) 529-1811(856) 520-8233
Philadelphia Philadelphia6-14Stand-alone135 Rector St. Philadelphia, PA 19127(215) 839-0525(267) 297-8520Send email

All social learning campuses offer:

  • Low staff-to-student ratios
  • Challenging academics and instruction in math, reading, and writing
  • Direct social skills instruction
  • Physical education and athletics
  • Classroom instruction based on the principals of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
  • Full-time clinical support and supervision
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Wilson Reading System® instruction
  • Full-time nursing staff
  • Medication oversight and monitoring by Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner if in IEP
  • Executive functioning and social skills instruction
  • State-of-the-art educational technology including desktop and laptop computers or iPads® and smart board presentation systems
  • Parent portal website with homework assignments and calendars
  • Transition assessment, planning, and instruction
  • Regular comprehensive staff training and rigorous supervision and instructor observations
  • Regular and intensive communication between home, school, and public school districts
  • Parent support, training, and special workshop events and opportunities
  • Continuity between elementary, middle school, high school, and 18-21 programs
  • Multiple 18-21 program options for college & career preparation including Standard 9 Program at Camden County College for college and pre-vocational prep, CLiKS Program in Cherry Hill for employment preparation, and Project SEARCH at Jefferson Cherry Hill Hospital and Jefferson Stratford Hospital, our award-winning work immersion programs.