Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
Anti-bullying specialists by campus
Campus | Name | Phone | |
Cherry Hill Lower | Nia Hinton | (856) 482-5252 | nhinton@yaleschoolnj.com |
Cherry Hill Upper | Carla Butts | 856-482-5252 | cbutts@yaleschoolnj.com |
Ellisburg | Alyse Keilson Joset Ward | (856) 629-1811 (856) 629-1811 | akeilson@yaleschoolnj.com jward@yaleschoolnj.com |
Kirby's Mill / Medford | Katie Maldonado | (609) 678-4020 | kmaldonado@yaleschoolnj.com |
Medford | Jessica Liger | (609) 678-4020 | jliger@yaleschoolnj.com |
Mullica Township | Barry Walker | (856) 346-0007 | bwalker@yaleschoolnj.com |
Northfield | Kareem Spence | (609) 677-9960 | kspence@yaleschoolnj.com |
Southeast at Marlton | Ann Davidson | (856) 346-0007 | adavidson@yaleschoolnj.com |
Erlton / CLiKS | Andrea Damiani | (856) 629-1811 | adamiani@yaleschoolnj.com |
Standard 9 Cherry Hill | Tom Diaz | 609) 760-0000 | tdiaz@yaleschoolnj.com |
Standard 9 Northfield | Kareem Spence | (609) 677-9960 | kspence@yaleschoolnj.com |
Project SEARCH | Tom Diaz | 609) 760-0000 | tdiaz@yaleschoolnj.com |
Y.A.L.E. School Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Andrea Damiani, adamiani@yaleschoolnj.com
The NJ School Climate State Coordinator will serve as a resource to parents, students, and educators at the NJDOE. Please email hib@doe.nj.gov