CLiKS Transition Program

Y.A.L.E. School CLiKS transition program follows the NJDOE expanded framework for Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills.

To prepare for the workplace, students participating in the CLiKS program learn work readiness in internal paid jobs and also progress to community internships for job exposure and resume experience. Community-based instruction and hands-on experiences help students develop both employment skills and skills for independent living. Students gain practical home management experience at the Y.A.L.E. Life Skills House and both technical abilities and soft skills for employment at the Vocational Skills Lab and Co-op located near the CLiKS program.

Weekly social skills opportunities, led by a certified counselor, prepare students to communicate maturely in small groups and during interpersonal conversations. These classes also support community awareness, etiquette, and the norms expected when in natural community settings.

Students approved to attend the program by their sending school have already earned high school credits that meet state requirements, but demonstrate transition deficits warranting further special education to make progress towards their IEP transition goals. In the Standard 9 Program, continuing high school students target these transition goals with the support of a special education teacher and additional transition specialists. In collaboration with parents and districts, the student defers accepting a high school diploma while receiving special education instruction that emphasizes learning experiences tailored to the transition needs of the student.

Transition OptionAges ServedLevel of Student IndependenceLocationsGoal
CLiKS Career Readiness Life Literacies Key Skills18-21ModerateY.A.L.E. Erlton Annex
Voc Co-op
Life Skills House
To obtain entry-level employment with job supports

For more information, please call Andrea Damiani (856) 629-1811 ext. 19604 or email
