2023 – 2024 Parent Survey for Cherry Hill, Ellisburg, Northfield

Parent Survey

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
My Child Enjoys School*
My child seems interested and engaged in most course content*
I have a good, constructive relationship with my child’s teacher*
My child’s teacher calls at least 2x/month with positive news*
I utilize online postings of tests and homework*
I always know about upcoming homework and tests*
My homeroom teacher always keeps me informed regarding my child’s progress*
I have discussed plans for next year with my child’s teacher*
My child’s teacher is responsive to my questions or concerns in a timely manner*
My child has made significant academic progress*
The academic program is tailored to my child’s needs*
My child has made significant behavioral progress*
The vocational program, if applicable, is tailored to my child’s needs*
The extracurricular program, if applicable, is tailored to my child’s needs*
YALE School Progress Reports are easy to read and informative*
The YALE counselors and behaviorists are responsive to my questions & concerns in a timely manner*
The administration is responsive to my questions or concerns in a timely manner*
My child has made progress with social skills and interpersonal communication*
I use the YALE website to obtain helpful information.*
May we have your permission to share your comments on our website testimonial page or other publications using your first name, last initial and campus?